Tribute Wall
Kelly Misterka posted a condolence
Monday, September 27, 2010
When I heard the news of Mr. Waterhouse's death, I was truly saddened. While at the high school, he was always one of my favorite teachers. He made history fun and interesting. He always made me laugh and smile and knowing him has truly impacted my life. I got to know Mr. Waterhouse pretty well throughout my time at the GHS and beyond, I will always remember his stories about his great aunt maud and all his tall tales. I miss you Mr. Waterhouse! Thanks for the memories.
bethanie sawyer posted a condolence
Friday, September 17, 2010
Mr Waterhouse was one of my favorite teachers. I truly believe he remembered every student he ever had - he remembered a project I did for his history class in 8th grade, when I saw him 11 years later. He invited me to observe his class when I was a practice teacher. Every day I think of so many things in my teaching that I can attribute directly to him. He has had a deep, abiding influence and been an inspiration. I was just thinking I should have made sure to tell him again. ave atque vale.
Nancy Billard posted a condolence
Friday, September 17, 2010
"We cannot protect our children from life. Therefore, it is essential that we prepare then for it." Rudolf Dreikurs John cared so deeply about all the children he taught, especially those who had learning differences. Under his tutelage, he brought the gifts of knowledge, but more importantly, it was the unchanging nutrients of love, dignity and respect that transformed his students into joyful, productive people.
Tammy Spice posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My dearest John! I will miss your daily smile, song and love for everyone. You make people around you want to be a better person! I will miss our lunches and our talks the most. Keep singing and dancing!
Judith (Marohl) Smith posted a condolence
Monday, September 13, 2010
My mother and I were both saddened to hear of Mr. Waterhouse's passing. I will always treasure my fond memories of him as my Jr. High History teacher. Our class walked the Freedom Trail in Boston with him in 1969, and he made History vivid, relevant and fun! Thank-you Mr. W! :)
lynn fortier posted a condolence
Monday, September 13, 2010
I am very sorry to lose such a wonderful caring gentleman. He was one of my grand fraternal kids in Amaranth when Scott Bishal and myself were Grand Royal Matron and Grand Royal Patron. He was and always will remain a very special man to me. He will be missed by a lot of people.
Glenn G. Wattley posted a condolence
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My sincere condolences to Mr. Waterhouse's family. I think of him as a superb teacher, not only history but also a special Sunday School instructor. I remember well his sharing a personal healing he experienced. It was the first time I heard someone speak so clearly of using Jesus' teachings to pray for healing. He was most inspiring. I think of him often.
Glenn Catania posted a condolence
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I was shocked and saddened to learn of John's passing. Truly a gentleman and a great inspiration to all. Thank you Colonel Waterhouse, the name I gave you, for always supporting the Security Department with your wisdom, kindness and wit, that kept me smiling, even on a bad day. I will never forget your kind words and generosity with my own personal losses. You truly were blessed with a gift dealing with students, staff and faculty at all levels. Rest in Peace until we meet again. My deepest sympathy to everyone you touched throughout your distinguished career. You will be missed. Glenn Catania, Lead Security Officer, Glastonbury High School
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725 Hebron Ave.
Glastonbury, CT
Phone: 860-652-4436